Genvex GE310VPC G4 filter
Genvex GE310VPC G4 filter
The two standard types of filters are:
G4 – coarse filter
F7 – fine filter
The Genvex GE 310 is heat recovery and ventilation model with a heat pump built in to boost the supply air or cool during water periods.
The finer the filter, the more and smaller particles it will filter from the air. However, a finer filter means that the ventilation system has to work harder to transport air through the system.
That means you should not choose a finer filter than you need.
Exhaust air does not need more than a G4 filter, since the air indoors has already been cleaned once, which is enough to keep the ventilation system’s inner workings clean.
You should choose either a G4, or F7 for intake air. So, what is the difference between the ?
G4 only removes dust particles that are big enough to be seen with the naked eye. A finer filter that also filters out smaller particles would probably be a better choice for most households. For example, pollen, asphalt particles and smoke from wood stoves that you would rather not let into the house.
The F7 filter is specially designed for the Heat pump models as it is less susceptible to moisture.